No wonder men have the pressure of performing good sex. And in doing so, they might fail in satisfying their sexual partner. True that sex is a relaxing activity and provides calmness to the body when performed. But it can be stressful too when you are unable to fulfill the desires of your partner. Hence to improve their sexual health, men can find a few solutions and can work on them. Because sexual issues with partners affect them both.
Different ways to improve sexual health
Bring balance in masturbation
Some men do masturbate frequently. And some perform harsh masturbation or masturbate daily. Frequent masturbation can affect your sexual life. As your penis can become habitual to masturbation and you would not be able to perform sex in a better way. And if you masturbate then avoid harsh masturbation. Therefore avoid frequent masturbation and try focusing on your partner more.
Avoid being a part of Voyeurism
There is no shame in saying that we all watch porn. But implementing the ideas and techniques used in porn can harm our sexual life. Voyeurism is when we take sexual pleasure from watching others having sex. The activities performed in porn can raise the bar of our desires, and we begin to expect the same from our sexual partners. We try to perform the same as happening in porn videos. And in doing so, we would not be able to enjoy sex with our partner. Therefore, men should avoid watching excess porn.
Try using the Start-stop technique
This technique involves the control in ejaculation while performing sex. Men should focus on their ejaculation time. Whenever they begin to feel that they are about to ejaculate, they need to stop performing sex, and after some time they can begin again. This is what is known as the Start-stop technique. This will help them to bring control in ejaculation, which will help them in performing good sex.
Try changing your routine
We get bored when the same things happen again and again. The same goes with sexual life. To make their sexual life more interesting, men begin with foreplay with their partners. Instead of having intercourse continuously, men can talk about sexual fantasies to their partners. Apart from this, they can also try to build a good relationship outside the bed so that their partner also begins to attract more to them.
Reduce Stress
Taking lots of stress before sex can make it difficult for you to get an erection. The stress can be whether you will be good in bed or not, will you be able to satisfy your partner or not, or will you be able to enjoy it. Thinking about such things can give stress to men. And later on, they find it hard to perform sexual activity. So, avoid taking any kind of stress and try performing sex with a free mind.
Avoid Smoking
There are lots of studies that say that smoking can affect your sexual life in a great manner. Since it can lead to high blood pressure and can make getting an erection difficult. Smoking regularly can also lead to erectile dysfunction.
Enjoy sex
Sex is an activity that relaxes you. Men should not be worried about anything while going to bed with their partners. They just need to focus on their partner and how they are feeling. Do not worry about anything when you are having sex, otherwise, it will stress you out and your partner also.
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