Our human body is full of centers of energy. Meanwhile, These energy centers are called chakras. Moreover, it is likely to be said that there are 14 junction points in the body. These are the chakras. The concept of chakras is complex and widely studied. The chakra system began in India around 1500 and 500 BC. The Vedas first talked about human chakras. Moreover, chakra is a Sanskrit word that means “wheel”. Additionally, it symbolizes the flow of energy in our bodies. Although studies say that there are 144 different chakras in our body, seven chakras run along with our spine. The seven chakras can have a huge impact on us mentally, physically, and spiritually too. According to Terrones, if someone experiences too much mental and physical stress it can lead to block or imbalance the chakras.
The seven chakras
All the seven chakras of the human body hold unique importance. Meanwhile, each of the chakras is related to a specific part. All of them have different functions for your body. The chakras start at the root of our spine and extend to the crown of our head. Let us know more about the seven major chakras in our body –
1. Root chakra
The very first chakra of the body is the root chakra or Muladhara. It is located at the base of the spine. The root chakra helps one stay grounded. It is the most rigid and it connects with the earth element. This chakra provides us with everything we need to survive. For example, food, water, stability, security as well as physical energy. So when our root chakra is open, we feel safe, secure, fearless, and confident. Meanwhile, the blockage of this chakra can cause us to feel low on energy, insecure. Along with that, it can cause physical issues such as arthritis, constipation, bladder, etc.
2. Sacral chakra
The second chakra Svadhisthana or the sacral chakra is located right below the belly button. This chakra is associated with the element water. Also, the sacral chakra is the center of our feelings and sensations. When our sacral chakra is open and balanced our relationship with the world becomes more peaceful, pleasant. Additionally, this chakra helps us to stay skillful and creative. Meanwhile, if your sacral chakra gets blocked it may cause issues like low back pain, urinary tract infections. You may as well develop problems in your bladder, kidney, or pelvic area.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra or Manipura, located in our stomach area. The solar plexus chakra helps us to find the right goal in our life. This chakra helps us find a way to reach our goals. The solar plexus chakra makes sure that the negative people and negative thinking of the outside world do not affect our mindset and goals. It is also related to our self-confidence. This chakra is also responsible for the “ gut feeling” that we usually talk about. This chakra connects with the fire element and it represents the color yellow. However, if your solar plexus chakra is not balanced, you can face problems like low self-esteem as well as control issues. Additionally, the blockage of this chakra can also affect you physically – bad digestion, liver and pancreas problems, heartburn, and eating disorders.
4. Heart chakra
The heart chakra Or Anahata is located near our heart. As the name suggests this chakra is related to our heart. The color of this chakra is green and it represents our ability to love. Meanwhile, the heart chakra connects the element air. When the energy in this chakra is not balanced, you may feel scared, fear, lonely, insecure, jealousy, lack sympathy, and isolated. Additionally, it may also cause heart-related problems, lung infections. A well-balanced heart chakra allows our entire energy field to remain positive. It helps us see and appreciate the beauty in everything even at the smallest things around us.
5. Throat chakra
As the name suggests, the throat chakra, or Vishudha, is located near your throat and is associated with the element of space. The blue-colored chakra connects with communication and self-expression. Imbalance in this chakra can make us unable to express our thoughts as well as fearful about speaking our truth. Additionally, it can also cause raspy throat, chronic sore throat, mouth ulcers, gum disease, thyroid, etc.
6. Third eye chakra
The third eye chakra, or Ajna, is located between our eyes. This chakra is almost dark blue hues or royal blue. Meanwhile, this chakra helps us believe in our willpower. The pineal eye chakra is liable for intuition. Blockage of this chakra can result in a lack of clarity as well as physical problems like eye problems, Headache, migraine, etc.
7. Crown chakra
A seventh of chakra, the crown chakra or Sahasrara is violet in color. Furthermore, it is located at the top of the head. This chakra enables us to experience spiritual growth and to stay connected with the universe. Moreover, the crown chakra makes us look for the universe as a whole, and not the run behind the materialistic world. It is a key to happiness and joy. As well as people may face neurological disorders, depression, nerve pain.
How to maintain the balance of chakras?
The chakras play an important role to keep the human body and mind perfectly. However, we must maintain the balance of our chakras to live a healthy and peaceful life.
- Color: If your root chakra is imbalanced at this time you may feel drawn to wearing red. As red is the color of the root chakra. So in this way color can help you open the blockage of any chakra in your body. Color will help in balancing the energy center.
- Food: Just as the same color, you can try to have food of the same color of chakra you are trying to maintain the balance. For example, if you are trying to maintain the balance of your throat chakra you can have something blue in your diet.
- Medication: medication is one of the best ways to balance your chakras. It helps you lead a peaceful life.
- Yoga: Trying out different yoga postures help you unblock the blocked chakras.
The chakras are one of the most popular concepts that have been studied for ages. Moreover, the seven chakras present in our bodies are the centers of our energy. However, it is necessary to maintain a balance in our chakras. Otherwise, it can hurt our minds as well as our body. Though the concept of chakras is a bit complex, the proper study and balancing of our chakras can help us lead a life full of happiness and harmony.
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