Today, every second person is suffering from the problem of sleeplessness! The quality of sleep is hampered due to n number of reasons. To name a few could be anxiety, overthinking, hormonal disturbances or stationary lifestle. Whereas, what we eat makes a major portion of sources which contribute towards the healthy sleep cycle.
Diet and sleep are interrelated! Healthy food and drinks provide for healthy lifestyle. This, in turn, leads to a healthy sleep cycle. Let us have a look at some quick tips related to your diet which could help you in getting rid of insomnia!
It is a proven fact that certain food items make your sleep quality better. We have compiled a list of a few of them and their magical effect on your sleep cycle.
- Kiwi
As small a fruit it is, as bigger the benefits it has for people who are insomnia struck. It is known to possess numerous vitamins and minerals, Vitamic C and E, Potassium and folate. Researchers have found that the antioxidants in Kiwi have a great effect on your sleep, thus inducing quality slumbers in your routine.
- Fatty Fish
Research denotes that fatty fish could be good for a better sleep. It provides a healthy dosage of Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids. These are involved directly with the body’s regulation of serotonin. Specially in winters, when Vitamin D is lower, Fatty fish helps a lot in getting a good night sleep.
- Nuts
Some nuts like almonds, walnuts and cashews are considered very apt for a healthy sleep cycle. This is because nuts contain a certain level of melatonin and essential minerals like magnesium and zinc. A study found that the combination of magnesium, zinc and melatonin helps adults with insomnia get rid of the same, if they consume it on a regular basis.
- Rice
A study demonstrated that the consumption of food with a high glycemic index before four hours of sleep induces good sleep in adults. This may have brought rice to this list of food which help in improving your sleep quality.
On the other hand, sugary beverages and sweets have been found to cause sleeplessness and assist in degrading the quality of sleep.
Nutritionists recommend to have a healthy diet in order to get rid of insomnia. Limiting caffeine intake, removing alcohol from your schedule could be some minor changes which could lead to major results.
Diet plays a very vital role in all aspects of our body cycle, including sleep and its quality. Let us be more focussed and aware of the same!
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