This article will bring to you some extreme facts and knowledge to ponder on to help you in your health and fitness journey. Shutting it down and getting in front of a TV occasionally is completely fine. By saying this was not trying to convey to sit in front of the TV for countless hours and to watch a lot of mindless and unmotivating series and movies that don’t bring any value to your lifestyle and your daily routine. Instead, you can open your mind to watching health-related or fitness-related documentaries on Netflix.
Health and fitness-related, lifestyle-related documentaries that could bring you up from the depths when you’re feeling a little bit down and you need a little extra pep in your step. These are the kind of documentaries that you can sink your teeth into if you wish to start leveling up your fitness, leveling up your lifestyle. When you’re feeling down in the dumps, these can help bring you up and can also help you shove forward and be your ultimate best self.
Starting (in no order) with the Game Changers. This 2018 documentary starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and former UFC fighter James Wilks. It was about proteins and whether you are a meat lover or a vegan. Wilks shines some light on how you can still get stronger and fitter, more power, and still build muscle while you’re vegan. A large part of this film is about challenging conventional “wisdom” about protein. This film makes you ask a lot of questions and does its best to try to make you re-evaluate your belief system when it comes to nutrition and the eating of meat. We don’t want to give you too much information to make you go into Netflix, hit that button, and watch.
Now for this one, you probably should watch Cowspiracy first because this film is a follow-up to Cowspiracy. This one is called What the Health. This is a documentary from 2017 about diet and how it relates to chronic diseases. It also shows the corruption of the health care system, pharmaceutical companies, and so forth. It also investigates the corruption of the food industry. This movie is a bit extreme but shows us the truth about the food industry. Like many documentaries you find nowadays, this one focuses on representing mistruths as facts set in stone.
Occupation Fighter is yet another amazing documentary. It is a must-watch 2012 documentary displaying a hopeful MMA fighter for eight months going through the trials and tribulations of the sport. The documentary shows the obstacles he overcame within these eight months, the sacrifices he made while he was training and the adversity he was faced with. It is such an inspiring documentary. It’s the never give up kind of message that this movie focuses on to reach its users.
The next one is called 14 Peaks: Nothing Is Impossible. This is about a fearless Nepali mountaineer Nims. He is a beast. He embarks upon what seems to be impossible, to climb all 14 of the world’s 8,000 peaks within seven months. This documentary is so inspiring that by the end of it maybe you might end in tears. It’s amazing what the human body is capable of doing. Nims faced extreme weather, terrain, and life and death experiences. He had a skilled team of sherpas with him. This documentary is extremely emotional, and extremely inspiring and would make you come back to it a second third, or fourth time.
The next one on the list is Inspiration4 Mission to Space. This is the final recommendation of health and fitness-related inspiring Netflix documentaries. In this movie an all-civilian space crew trained for months from a mental, emotional, and physical standpoint, going through countless hours of training to get their bodies, their minds everything ready to go to space. It was so impressive, and it has everything to do with the topic of health and fitness. This series is a wonderful antidote to the state of the world we see on the news every night. If you have zero interest in space travel, you will still be entertained and uplifted by this extraordinary series. Fundamentally it is not about space travel. It is about personal triumph, vision, fortitude, family love, and persistence. Don’t miss this experience.
These are some of the recommendations from our side. Sit down, put your feet up, relax, and watch. You always must keep in mind that these trained athletes have done extensive training and have done their research. They also have a team of physicians, nutritionists, physical coaches, strength and conditioning coaches, and so forth to help them along their journey.
So, this might not be an avenue you might want to potentially take but the message behind this is that they can be extremely inspiring and to see what the human body is capable of doing. When you match your mind with your movement you can do wonders. So, make sure you cut down your screen time and limit yourself in front of the screen. Make healthy choices and shape your life in a new direction.
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